Our Parish Policy: It is our policy at St Patrick’s to encourage parents to have their children baptised in their own parish, or in the parish community in which they normally worship.
Time of Baptism: For those who normally worship at St Patrick’s, or have special reasons for requesting a baptism at St Patrick’s, the time for baptisms is on Sundays at 1:15pm.
Meeting With Celebrant: Before the baptism ceremony, parents are required to meet with the priest officiating at the baptism at a mutually convenient time to prepare the ceremony and discuss its meaning.
Sponsors: A sponsor helps the baptised person to lead a Christian life in keeping with baptism. There should be only one male or female sponsor (or one of each). One of the sponsors must be a practising and fully initiated Catholic.
Offering: It is customary to make an offering to the celebrant, unless you already contribute to the parish.
Application Form: Parents are requested to complete the online application form below. One of the priests of the parish will then ring the parents to discuss the application and arrange an appropriate time to meet prior to the ceremony.
The Ceremony: Because of the limited opportunities available for celebration of baptism at St Patrick’s, there may be more than one child baptised at any particular ceremony.