What‘s Happening at St Patrick’s

The following ministries and groups are active within St. Patrick’s Parish. Those wishing to join a group, or obtain more information can click on the link provided or contact the Parish Office by calling (02) 9254 9855, or emailing office@stpatschurchhill.org

Other Groups Meeting at St Patrick’s Church Hill

Christian Meditation:

Christian Meditation takes place every 1st Tuesday of the month in the crypt, 12:00 nn.

Rosary Group

The Rosary Group every Thursday at 12.30 pm at St Patrick’s Crypt where together the Rosary is prayed.

Prayer Ministry

Would you like someone to join with you in prayer?  Meets every 2nd Friday of the month at 12.30pm in the Crypt.  For inquiries, email Catholic Charismatic Renewal NSW –  ccrnsw@gmail.com

World Apostolate of Fatima

Meeting every 1st Saturday of  the month in the Crypt at 12.30pm

The Legion of Mary

The St. Patrick’s Legion of Mary meets on Wednesdays at 6:30pm, in the Parish  Level 3.   For more information please contact  www.legion-of-mary.org.au 

Marist laity


Band of Brothers

Meets every 3rd  Wednesday of the Month, 1.00pm at Brew Cafe, 121 Harrington St.

Sant’ Egidio

Meets every 3rd  Monday of the Month, 6.00pm in the Parish Level 3.  For more information contact paulmgilchrist@gmail.com  see also www.santegidio.org


Aquinas Academy

For more information regarding courses offered please visit  www.aquinas-academy.com.

Bible Study Group

Meets every Sunday at 11:00 am, at Level 3 Parish Office.  All are welcome. For more information, email us at office@stpatschurchhill.org

Australian Catholic Church Historical Society

Established since 1940, The Australian Catholic Historical Society is a cultural organisation aimed to promote interest, recording and research in Australia’s Catholic history.  The group meets every third Sunday of the month at St Patrick’s Crypt at 2.00 p.m. until 4.15 p.m. For more information, please visit the ACHS website page that will indicate the courses and confirm meetings http://australiancatholichistoricalsociety.com.au/

Ministries of St Patrick’s Church Hill

St Patricks Courtyard Coffee Shop and Book Shop

In 1865 St Patrick’s parish would have its own convent of nuns, with the arrival of a trio of Sisters of Mercy from Liverpool. That year, they were to commence teaching at the parish school.  Time later, Marist Priests Fr Joly and Fr Heuze organised the building of a chapel for the Sisters.  On 31st July, 1876, Archbishop Vaughan officially opened the chapel for the Sisters of Mercy.  The chapel was a small space used for the community of the Sisters. Despite it’s size, it was considered to be one of the prettiest and most devotional little chapels seen in the colony.  In June, 1998, after 133 years in St Patrick’s Parish, the Sisters of Mercy permanently retired to North Sydney.  In 2001, the Chapel was restored and re-opened as St Patrick’s Courtyard Coffee Shop and Book Shop, welcoming anyone wishing to sit in a tranquil and welcoming space. We thank the many volunteers who work at the Coffee Shop to keep it’s doors open to the parishioners and public who visit.  Here you can purchase a variety of drinks, food, deserts as well as books, religious gifts and cards. It is open Sundays, Tuesday to Friday from 10:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. and is located in the courtyard next to Saint Patrick’s Church at 20 Grosvenor St. Sydney. Anyone wishing to volunteer or learn more about St Patrick’s Coffee Shop please contact the parish office on 9254-9855

St Patrick’s Choir

In 2004, St Patrick’s was privileged to have installed a Fratelli Ruffatti Organ to accompany our Choir. St. Patrick’s Choir sings at the 12:00 noon Mass each Sunday and on special occasions. For anyone interested in joining St Patrick’s Choir please contact our Director Adrian Bendt. If you are planning on being married at St Patrick’s, our Choir is also an ideal ensemble and available for hire. The Choir is also available for hire for funerals or other special occasions at St Patrick’s. For more information regarding the hiring of the Choir, please contact Adrian Bendt on adrianbendt@bigpond.com. If you are interested in only our pipe organ being played at your service, please contact our Principal Organist is Godelieve Ghavalas godelieve@notjustnotes.com.au.

Rite of Christian initiation of adults:

The parish regularly runs an RCIA program offering people an opportunity to prepare to be received into the Catholic Church or to recommit themselves after a period of absence from the church. The program runs throughout the year with a view to candidates being received into the Church at the Easter vigil.
Those interested in participating in the program should contact the parish office via email – office@stpatschurchhill.org.
The RCIA meets regularly on Wednesday evenings from 6:00pm to 7:00pm.

Readers, Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist and Welcomers

For more information, or to join the roster for Readers, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion or Welcomers, please contact the Parish Office on  (02) 9254 9800 or speak with Sr Fidelis on (02) 9254 9804.